Monday, May 31, 2010

Twitter wants to control advertising on its site

The micro-blogging site Twitter has announced that he wanted to keep control of the advertising seen on the site, the company does not want other companies selling advertising on its site.

"Apart from the 'sponsored tweets', we will not allow any outside parties paid to inject messages into the flow of any service using the code Twitter," said the chief operating officer of Twitter, Dick Costolo on the Official Blog of the company.

The company wants to avoid that users turn away from the site due to the uncontrolled proliferation has advertisements. A large number of publicity would prejudice the quality of the site.

"The ad networks are not interested necessarily external to the preservation of specific experience offered by Twitter: they may seek market share or revenues in the short term at the expense of long-term health of Twitter platform, "said Costolo.

"For example, an outdoor advertising network could maximize the number of inserts or revenue per click, even if this leads to a decline in the use of Twitter because of user dissatisfaction," he added.

Twitter integrates the last month of "promotional tweets" paid by advertisers, whose initial feedback has been positive .
The company relies heavily on advertising to become profitable .

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