Monday, June 14, 2010

World Cup 2010: the best software to watch the matches

The FIFA World Cup 2010 has just begun. To help you even watch the matches on the road or in the office, the Learning Center of Clubic offers a selection of applications for Windows, Mac, iPhone / Android iPad and to stay abreast of the results being unable to watch the matches in the comfort of her living room ...

While South Africa became the focus of all football fans around the world, a recurring problem surfaced, as every four years. If it is more pleasant to watch the matches on its LCD screen, even on the screen of your PC / Mac with a digital tuner, it is necessarily impossible to follow all the matches, including those released in the afternoon, even if we do not suffer this year, the time difference.

At the time you read this, France has already proved itself (or not). In order not to miss the rest of the competition, we offer a selection of applications that allow you access to the latest results, to watch the matches live, or even redo them at half time! We have focused on mobile applications for iPhone / iPod Touch, and Android, insofar as they can watch the matches on the road, especially in transport. For software Android, we've also included flashcode allowing you to directly access the Android Market.

Eurosport for iPhone / iPod Touch, and Android iPad
We start the selection with the implementation of the channel Eurosport , which unfortunately is not the lion's share of video as you might think, but still offers a digest of sports news summary fairly divided between the last news, recent results and the results of matches in progress. A filtering is also possible sports (football, rugby, tennis, golf, cycling and Formula 1). As regards the World Cup, there will obviously rankings of different groups, the results of all matches and a "Direct" displaying the scores of matches in progress and comments in real time (at the time of write these lines, the matches have not started, so difficult to know if this section will be correctly informed). The application is available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android iPad. The mobile versions are fairly close to each other and respect the graphic conventions of each OS. IPad version naturally has a much more comfortable with displaying a panel layout rather successful. Note that a special World Cup declination of the iPhone application is also available. This one uses the same interface, but adds a section to view premium videos, games and even online. It will cost 3.99 per video nonetheless.


France World Cup 2010 for iPhone / iPod Touch
If the media offer a specialized section of the World Cup in their applications, there are also applications dedicated to the event. This is the case of World Cup France 2010 , a small iPhone application for free and quite enjoyable. On the agenda: a stream of headlines from news of FIFA, the composition of groups, the results of individual matches or information on the teams. We will, however, on the "play" integrated advertising is only a football game fee. A nice little application that still suffers from a certain sluggishness in scrolling results, he must remember to update manually via the refresh button.

FollowCup for Android
On Android, the application FollowCup offers a digest of news and results very successful. The interface provides several tabs to zap between matches of the day, the group stages of the finals and matches per team. Simple and elegant, the application also offers a little more fun: the ability to add comments during a game. As a bonus, you are entitled to a feed of the latest Twitter messages relating to the World Cup. For those looking for a synthetic application for Android, FollowCup clearly the job!


Football / Soccer Feeds for Android
If you're more of a look at the news of all, the application Android Football / Soccer Feeds offers exactly what its name indicates: a feed dedicated to football. The interface is very minimalist, and the application is only for English speakers. Nonetheless, the Soccer Feeds offers hot news and unadorned, with link to full news via the web browser by default. It is certainly very crude, and the application will only relate to football enthusiasts, but it has the merit to exist.


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