Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Google will launch "Google Audio" for online music

According to the site, Google is about to launch "Google Audio," a new platform for online music.

"We do not know yet if he will listen to or download (..) But it seems that Google is different from the audio service launched in China," said Michael Arrington, editor in chief of Techcrunch, generally well informed.

Apart from its subsidiary YouTube broadcast of clips, Google is relatively quiet in the musical universe. Its main initiative is / music, a service that allows Chinese Internet users to consult the records of artists but also to listen to or download some tracks.

"Google Music OneBox is part of Google will make information more accessible," we explained then a representative of Google said the service is not accompanied by any revenue sharing with its Chinese partners.

So simple transposition of the Chinese model or real Google Music Store? Speculation is increasing regarding the mysterious Google Audio although the Mountain View firm is currently silent on his plans in music.

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