Tuesday, May 18, 2010

YouTube updates its API Flow

Last night, Google posted a video on Youtube with version 2.0 of its API feeds, a tool that displays the latest headlines from an RSS syndication come to any web page. The link to the code is not yet active, but as the giant net, it will come after the conference I / O this week. The link to version 1.0 is still available .

According to Google, the API is the most prized by developers, and the main change introduced by Google in this version 2.0 is PubSubHubbub , a protocol for extending RSS and Atom feed that allows publication and an update of sales in real time. One step closer to the indexing of the web in real time for the giant, and new opportunities for developers.

For end users, the changes will be mostly the F5 key, which will remain alive longer, the flow will update automatically, without need to refresh pages for new content.

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