Saturday, December 5, 2009

Software piracy: Microsoft is sounding the alarm

Microsoft notes that the number of reports of counterfeit copies of its software products has doubled over the past two years and promotes genuine software.

On the front of the awareness and the fight against software piracy, the worldwide leader in software gives cover. That you may have escaped, but on Thursday held the Consumer Action Day, a global day of action to prevent conducted in over 70 countries and sought the help of consumers victims of counterfeit software.

At this time, the Redmond company said that these last two years she has recorded more than 150 000 reports of users affected by unwittingly buying a counterfeit copy of software. This figure has doubled.

In France they are 5 000 reports that were made by Microsoft since 2005. Based on these reports, several lawsuits have been conducted. In most cases clients have reported the inability to activate a Windows operating system installed on their counterfeit computer. Microsoft also said that counterfeit copies often exposes the user to viruses and malware.

So Microsoft apology for its mechanism of authentication (WGA). And it's a bit unfortunate for those who fail, it will not benefit from all the services offered by Microsoft, citing the case of its new free antivirus Microsoft Security Essentials. One can also wonder if it's a really smart choice. Still, security patches are still delivered, certified copy or not.

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