Saturday, December 19, 2009

The ATI hotfix for The Saboteur is available

Since the release of The Saboteur, many players are struggling to operate under the Pandemic Studios. Owners of ATI graphics cards under Windows Vista / Windows 7 are most embarrassed and they do not scenaries can simply enjoy the game because of recurring blockages.

Fortunately, the first update has finally been published by Electronic Arts. There is no question of correcting all the problems of the game, but concerns regarding the standard ATI 3xxx, 4xxx and 5xxx should belong to the past, regardless of whether you use Windows Vista / 7 in both 32-bit or in 64-bit version. Note, however, that this update is still a beta and the developers are inviting players to go all the problems they face through this formal forum topic.

Note that on some configurations based quadruple heart, problems persist and the only solution currently is to disable two of the four cores. If you encounter the problem, here is the way forward until the next update:

  • start the game,
  • wait loading menu and press Ctrl + Alt + Del,
  • select the Task Manager,
  • the manager, select processes tab,
  • Saboteur.exe search and right click on it to select Set Affinity ...
  • deselect CPU 2 and CPU 3 then click OK.

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