Sunday, April 4, 2010

Nokia Bots: smartphone even smarter

The "smart phones", you've all heard, but when Finland's Nokia is more interested in opportunities, the thing becomes even more interesting. Indeed, the Department engineers working on Nokia Beta Labs Nokia mechanisms baptized Bots and able to understand the habits of users to automate certain tasks.

To date, these efforts focus on four features: an alarm clock, shortcuts software, battery and user profile. Assuming that an individual program waking every day at the same time by configuring the phone to silent mode, the terminal will be able to offer these default settings. Suffice it to accept directly from the home screen. Always with a view to make life a little simpler, the smartphone would be able to automatically switch to silent mode during your meeting daily 10 hours. For its part, the application Shortcut Bot identifies the most-used form of the proposed cuts. The start menu is also dynamic and will follow the course of your habits.

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