Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Windows 8 scheduled for 2012

While Steve Ballmer is pleased with the reception at Windows 7 and the first sales figures, Microsoft is already thinking about his successor. All in all logic and the last conference for developers who just happened to Los Angeles in the United States, was also an opportunity to confirm that a new operating system is expected within three years.

While some speculate the end of the world in 2012, unconnected Microsoft plans for 2012 the output of an OS, code-named Windows 8. The product cycle between Windows Vista and Windows 7 should be extended according to the roadmap of the Redmond company. This should have been the case with Windows XP and Vista, but we know that three years have finally been almost doubled. We can not swear to anything.

A road map distributed to partners and with Microsoft Kitchen published a copy (above). However, Microsoft did not say a word about Windows 8, while its CEO has recently attempted to dispel any rumors of a more modular OS. Rest of the indices from a few leaks on the Web, including information posted on the LinkedIn profile of an employee of Microsoft Research.

Robert Morgan has said work in the Research and Development of Microsoft's conduct projects in the medium and long term, which is compatible with the 128-bit architecture for the core Windows 8 and 9. In this sense, a collaboration was initiated with partners like Intel, AMD, HP and IBM.

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