The months that followed its publication, the Opera browser Opera Turbo 10 was used by 3 million users to view some 688 million pages when compressed.
With Release 1 September 10 Opera, the Norwegian publisher Opera Software has played the card of innovation with a rather exciting service called Opera Tubo. With Opera Turbo, a proxy server is asked to perform a compression of Web pages that can go up to 80%. This service can be activated or not according to the wish of the user, and it should be noted that in exchanges with a secure site, the server's response does not occur.
Opera Turbo is for users connected to the Internet in mobility situations or do not have much bandwidth. This service is completely free and only return to a faster browsing finally a slight deterioration in rendering certain images, which can still cover their most attractive aspect via the context menu. Similarly some content like Flash videos do not load after clicking. Otherwise, the presentation of the original site is preserved.
According to Opera Software, a month after the release of Opera 10.0, almost 3 million users have used Opera Turbo to inspect approximately 668 million web pages and compressed. The editor sees the sign of a real response to a need and the savings in bandwidth that can become really palpable in cases of pre-paid connections.
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