Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Google Social Search: search in your social network

Google Social Search is a new search service that Google is currently testing in its Labs. All users are invited to take part in this experiment, provided they have a Google account and search the web with the global version (U.S.) engine. In the left side panel, a dedicated social option is then visible.

As its name suggests, Google Social Search focuses on research in your social network. For example, Google says that a query for "restaurants" will appear in the results page comments made by your friends and contacts (public content). To show that these results must click on the link in Social options.

For more personalized result

Google believes that for some applications, details of your social network will be more relevant. No magic, Google knows your social network using as your main source Google profile. The social network is built and from contacts in conjunction with the profile like the next person on Twitter or FirendFeed. The Gmail chat contacts and subscriptions to feeds via Google Reader are also taken into account.

Last week, Google also announced the signing of a partnership with Twitter in the field of real-time search to include updates of tweets in the results. A partnership that is not associated with Googe Social Search service that Google has in the video below:

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