Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sony "Uncharted 2" Game In Theaters to Promote

Sony will reportedly unveil its upcoming action game "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" game title for the PS3 in theaters the U.S. next month.

On 5-6 October, four theaters in San Francisco and Thousand Oaks, California, Rosemont, Illinois and Bellevue, Washington, will give viewers a chance to play the upcoming action game on movie screens equipped with Sony digital-projection technology, according to a Reuters report

Those theaters will provide viewers with PS3s connected to Sony?s 4K digital cinema technology, which provides better image resolution than traditional projectors.

Sales of video game equipment and software in the United States fell 16% in August to $908.7 million, the industry?s sixth consecutive monthly decline, research group NPD reported.

"Uncharted 2" launches on 13 October. A multiplayer Demo for the game is currently available for everyone to download on the PlayStation Store.

In short, the Multiplayer Demo includes four maps, four competitive modes and two co-op modes. That?s two new maps, two new competitive modes and one more co-op mode than our June Multiplayer Beta.

UNCHARTED 2 automatically records the gameplay data for gamers' competitive multiplayer matches in any map and gametype. Gamers can then head into Cinema to watch their recorded matches, take screenshots, make videos or even usethe Machinima game mode and Stage map to create their own videos.

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