Friday, August 1, 2008

Google Transit directions for S60 & Windows Mobile

There are full navigation and routing programs available for S60 and Windows Mobile that I use for major trips, but for quick positioning and some trips I just fire up the Google Maps for Mobile application on these devices. Google released an update that adds transit directions to these mobile operating systems. They previously launched support for BlackBerry and Java-based devices so this expands their mobile offerings, with just the iPhone and Palm OS left to upgrade.

The new transit directions functionality gives you routing for public transportation systems in select markets. I haven’t yet tried it out in the Seattle area, but we have a fairly new bus and rail system so I am not confident there will be much for our area and imagine support will be there for areas like Washington, D.C., L.A, New York, and other large metropolitan areas. Simply go to in your mobile browser to download the latest Google Maps for Mobile client. Thanks to Nokia Conversations for the heads-up on this release.

You'll find a number of other features in this new version of Google Maps for mobile for WinMo and S60: star-ratings for businesses will help you get a feel for what other people think, your search results show up faster than ever, and user-generated content will now surface in your search results -- opening up a whole new world of geo content on your phone. Look for the blue result markers when you search for "ruins in london," for example.

To get this latest version of Google Maps for mobile with Transit, simply point your mobile browser to

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