Saturday, September 29, 2012

Google Takeout allows local download videos from Youtube account

Google Takeout service, which allows users services firm intuitively download some of their data, recently hosted Youtube: it is now possible to download as an archive of all videos uploaded an account, in their original format.

Already proposed takeout download bulk data stored by service Docs and Picasa and Google+ contacts.  Now Youtube completes the picture: just go to the dedicated page for an overview of the amount of videos and the overall size of the archive to download.

 The subtlety is that Google Takeout allows you to retrieve the videos in their format and original size: the user retrieves the original files, which may have been lost or destroyed since their initial shipments.

Depending on the amount of videos concerned, the procedure may take a few minutes or hours, and weigh a few tens of MB to several GB generation of online archive is to make life easier for the user, a significant step from Google, which is positioned as a little more for the release of data.

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