Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Twitter goes below 2 billion per month twittering

The site Pingdom has issued yesterday the statistics of May on Twitter , and thus revealed that the microblogging site had exceeded the two billion monthly tweets last month.

A consistent and highly symbolic figure of the rapidly evolving social network, which had surpassed a billion tweets monthly in December 2009. Pingdom is the detail of this "score", and indicates that the 2 billion chirp for 64 million tweets per day, 2.7 million per hour, 44,481 per minute and 741 per second. The figure includes all messages sent via the Twitter website, but also through all the applications using the APIs of the service.

Pingdom had estimated earlier this year that Twitter would exceed 6 billion monthly chirping early 2011. If the site statistics changed his mind somewhat, he believes that the platform "moves with a healthy pace to double the volume of tweets in 6 months is no small feat," he believes.

The question is whether the trend will continue for Twitter, which has celebrated a few days ago its 15 billion chirp .

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